Vocational Evaluation

Vocational evaluation is an important part of many of the Easterseals Central Alabama programs. The evaluation department uses interviews and a variety of standardized vocational tests to assess vocational and academic skills, aptitudes, and interests. Benefits of the program include:

  1. Gaining practical information for use in guiding persons toward appropriate career and educational fields.
  2. Saving time and money by increasing accuracy in job placement, vocational or academic training.
  3. Providing a useful counseling tool.
  4. Motivating participants to learn more about things they CAN do rather than what they cannot do.

“The evaluation process helped me begin to see new options and opportunities where I could use some of the skills that I already had in new and different areas.” Virginia


If you are a new participant in this program and wish to view and/or print a copy of your consumer handbook, outlining your rights, policies, and procedures, please click here.