
The first step to freedom is simply being able to provide for yourself. Easterseals Central Alabama works with job-ready individuals to place them into jobs in the community. Our full-time job development specialists help individuals find employment and assist employers in meeting manpower needs. Whether it is someone looking for a first-time job or re-entering the workforce, or it is an entry-level or professional position, care is taken to develop a good match between the new employee and employer. The employment of people living with a disability is simply good business. For every dollar spent on assisting an individual with re-entry into the workforce, $20.69 is returned to the economy through their employment.

“Without the support, interaction and encouragement of the job placement specialist, I wouldn’t have had the motivation necessary to have a successful job search.” Mary

The Employment Program with Easterseals Central Alabama is a referral-only program.  Interested participants must come through the Alabama Department of Rehab Services (ADRS). Contact your local ADRS office to learn how you can get involved in this program!

If you are a new participant in this program and wish to view and/or print a copy of your consumer handbook, outlining your rights, policies, and procedures, please click here.