Annual Autism Crawfish Boil to Benefit Easterseals Central Alabama will be April 5
Easterseals Central Alabama, a collection of programs designed to help individuals with disabilities, in conjunction with the Mudbug Ball Committee, a group of local community volunteers, is announcing the 21st Annual Autism Crawfish Boil to be held on April 5, 2025, from 3-6 p.m. at the Montgomery Biscuits Stadium. The Mudbug Ball Committee hosts the […]
Current Job Openings at Easterseals
Easterseals Central Alabama’s purpose is to change the way the world defines and views disability by making profound, positive differences in people’s lives every day. Consider joining us in one of the employment opportunities listed below, and be sure to check back frequently for updates. To be considered, please send your resume to Executive Director […]
Easterseals Central Alabama Sponsors the 10th Annual Disability Expo April 22, 2025
The 10th Annual River Region Disability Expo will be held on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, at Alcazar Shriner’s Temple at 555 Eastern Blvd., Montgomery, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be exhibitors set up from a variety of programs, services and products. Some examples include: independent living, technology, children’s services, recreation, advocacy, education, transition […]
Montgomery City Council Donates to the Care Project
Easterseals Central Alabama was honored by a visit in late December from City Councilman Andrew Szymanski who awarded funds to support Easterseals Central Alabama’s Care Project, a durable medical equipment loan program. The Care Project assists nearly 600 individuals a year with needed no-cost medical equipment and/or supplies. The Care Project receives donated equipment and […]
Easterseals Central Alabama Presents 2024 Awards
Easterseals Central Alabama gave out its annual awards at a luncheon on Nov. 14, 2024, at Trinity Presbyterian Church. Awards were given to: *Catelynn Hamilton – Speech Child Consumer of the Year *Travell Lewis – OT Child Consumer of the Year *Cybertec LLC — Job Exploration Employer of the Year *Melissa Hudson – Consumer of […]
Easterseals Central Alabama is Hiring!
speech pathologist, speech and language pathologist
Easterseals Central Alabama’s Most Recent Annual Report – 2023-2024
Each year, to show transparency to those we are here to serve and to our stakeholders, we publish an annual report detailing our revenue, expenses, and how many individuals we were able to serve in each of our programs.
Accessibility and Removing Barriers
Barriers to service. What are they for some of the families that we serve? What can we do? How can we help? Each year, Easterseals Central Alabama tries to address any potential barriers to receiving services. Recently, the entire staff got together to share the needs, expressed to them by the people they serve (no person […]
ASL “I cannot lip-read through your mask” Printable Cards
We understand that for a deaf or hard-of-hearing individual, trying to communicate with the hearing world may be challenging enough at times, and face masks remove the lip-reading option, not helping the situation. We have created these cards that can be printed and shared with those in the community whom you come in contact with, […]
Job Exploration Training (JET) Program Prepares Students with Disabilities for the Workforce
Each summer, Easterseals Central Alabama’s Employment Program works with around 40 rising high school juniors and seniors involved in Vocational Rehabilitation Services, through a series of job-prep workshops, known as Job Exploration Training (JET), to help them practice for the world of work. For the first week, the students learn the soft skills required to get and […]