Food School

Easterseals Central Alabama offers a multidisciplinary Food School for children with feeding and growth challenges.  The program is led by the directors of both our Occupational Therapy Program and our Speech Therapy Program and uses the SOS (Sequential-Oral-Sensory) Approach to Feeding, developed by Dr. Kay Toomey.  This program is based on the “normal” developmental steps, stages, and skills of feeding found in typically developing children.  It works on motor, oral, behavioral/learning, medical, sensory, and nutritional factors in order to fully evaluate and address feeding and growth challenges.

This program is beneficial for children with serious sensory aversions (fruit, veggies, protein, foods of a certain color, shape, texture…), and/or oral-motor challenges.

Food School would not be helpful for children who only tolerate purees or is primarily tube-fed, has multiple food allergies (due to our prep area), or a child under 3.

To learn more or to see about scheduling an evaluation, please call 334-387-3266!

Food School Payment Plan

Already enrolled and scheduled? Click here to download the ECA Food School Packet! Once completed, please submit it back into Easterseals at least two weeks BEFORE your first scheduled appointment. This helps the therapists plan and create the most individualized approach for your child. 

Enrolled, but wish to learn more about the specific approach we will be using? Learn more: SOS APPROACH – explanation for parents

Download and print the “Things to Know About Food School” page here.